The Rise of the Underworld Read online

Page 13

  “This way!” Raven shouted amid the chaos as more clans arrived. “To the east!”

  “Bas! Octavia! Amber and our women!” I yelled, seeking them in the crowd. “To us!”

  “Our queen is there! Our queen and Consort Ash!” they answered and rushed toward Ash and me.

  “Hurry!” Sebastian called, looking over his shoulder and helping the women get to us.

  Guy and the Alpha Pure team gathered around our group in formation.

  The rest of the Protectors organized their clans frantically.

  The entire place rocked and tilted as another detonation went off. More rocks dropped from the high ceiling.

  Killian pressed against my thigh, roaring at the blasts and shouting all around.

  Stay with me, Killian, I ordered him. And stay calm.

  He ceased roaring.

  “Max! Max!” I shouted as I was swept into the flowing crowd.

  I wouldn’t leave him without a proper farewell.

  “Doll, I’m here.” Max reached me against the flow of the crowd and pulled me into his arms. It was useful to have such a big, powerful build.

  I pressed my palm to the side of his face, the heel resting against his fresh stubble.

  Words escaped me as I stared into his gorgeous amber eyes. I didn’t want to part with him.

  “I’m sorry I can’t be by your side for now,” he said, his dark gaze brimming with burden and unhappiness.

  “We all have our duties and responsibilities, Max,” I said. “And you’re staying behind to protect us.”

  He looked to Ash, his meaning clear.

  “I’ll protect our mate with my last breath,” Ash said. “You don’t even need to ask, brother.”

  Merlin was twenty yards away, directing the flow of the groups. His violet eyes met mine, glinting with a need for me that wasn’t so different from my other mates’. I averted my gaze.

  I stood on my tiptoes, pulled Max’s head down toward me, and kissed him hard.

  “Don’t try to be a hero, vampire,” I said, feeling like a grasshopper giving instructions to the most seasoned predator. He grinned. I pressed on because he was my mate. “Stay alive and come back to me.”

  “I love you, my Ayanna,” he said.

  I swallowed. “I know.”

  I was about to say something back, but Ash cut in and urged, “Blossom, we have to go now.”

  Rocks were falling everywhere. The bombing was becoming more frequent.

  “Go, love,” Max said. “I’ll come back to you. I promise. And you must stay safe for me.”

  I nodded, yet my feet felt glued to the ground.

  “Let’s go, baby. We’ll see him again.” Ash pulled me along with him.

  We merged into the flow of our group and soon entered the dark tunnel.

  We were leaving Nightingale, the city that had sheltered the natives for centuries, behind forever.


  I lost track of how long we’d been running and stumbling along inside the tunnel until at one point most of the torchlight went out and fewer stones plummeted from the ceiling. We lost some citizens and soldiers in the areas where the explosions were too heavy. The rest of us had to keep going.

  Gradually, only the echoes of faint explosions reached us.

  Even when no more tremors came our way, my nerves still felt fried, my throat tight with fear for Max, Merlin, and the rest of the people who were still miles behind us.

  I should have stayed with Max and been the last to evacuate.

  Ash sent his ice light to direct and illuminate the path for the crowd after the torchlight winked out.

  “We’re almost there,” Guy said ahead of Ash and me.

  He was more familiar with the tunnels than Raven. I had insisted on having Raven placed behind me for better protection.

  “Yes,” Raven panted. “The Ancestors’ Cavern is right ahead.”

  “Is there anything we should know about this cavern?” Ash asked.

  “We pay our ancestors respect,” Raven said. “No one is allowed to go in there, but this is an emergency—it’s about the survival of their offspring. We’ll need to pass through it to go to the land of the Shades. They’ll understand.”

  “Will there be any ambush or assault in the cave to the best of your knowledge?” Ash asked. “Something like arrows shooting out of nowhere or the ground dropping from beneath our feet when someone enters the cave?”

  “Not that I know of.” Guy looked at us over his shoulder. “My men and I passed it once, and we returned home in one piece. Before we dared to enter, we all knelt at the entrance and prayed for forgiveness. We’ll just carry out the same ritual.”

  “I don’t kneel or pray,” Ash said.

  I gave him a pointed look. “We’ll kneel and pray if it’s necessary.”

  We trekked for another mile, and a faint light appeared at the end of the tunnel. I let out a relieved breath, mostly for Ash and Max. I’d been a slave miner. I’d worked inside tunnels for eight years, though I was never very deep inside because Sebastian chose to work in the most dangerous sections, allowing me to have relatively lighter tasks.

  My mates, however, were used to living in abroad space with a bright sky. They had problems with cramped places, especially this narrow space under the ground. Both Max and Ash, especially Max, tried to hide their great discomfort when we entered the tunnel to Nightingale, but I felt their inner dread through our mating bond. I was their mate, after all.

  Worries churned in my stomach like an acid sea as I wondered if Max and Merlin had made it into the tunnel.



  Killian, who also hated tunnels, shot into the open cave like an arrow before I could stop him.

  “Killian, no!” I shouted in alarm.

  If there was any trap in the cave, my tiger wouldn’t be prepared for it.

  Ash used his ice magic to shield my tiger and at the same time probed the cave before he strode into it. I was on his heels the next second.

  The Alpha Pure team yelled for the rest of the clans to halt as they waited for Ash to check out the security.

  There were no apparent traps. As Ash gave a the-coast-is-clear gesture, the Alpha Pure warriors brought in more people from the tunnel.

  All of a sudden, we were all in the open space.

  I looked around in amazement with Raven by my side, a smile on her face.

  The cave was so enormous it could easily host thousands of people. It could contain the entire seven clans from Nightingale and more. A few dozen golden columns were depicted with drawings that told the tales of the ancient natives building the Underworld before the Sváva invaded their world.

  We trod toward the center of the cavern until we saw the gray sky overhead.

  “We’ll wait for everyone here,” Ash said, returning to my side.

  Killian was still running around, probably looking for a snack.

  “This is the end of the tunnel,” Guy said, joining us as his men attached their torches to the rocky walls around. “We’ll have to go above ground to the Shades.”

  “Where’s the exit?” I let my eyes search.

  Guy pointed at the sky.

  Ash nodded. “I’ve checked. It’s the only way out except for the tunnel we came from.”

  “How are we going to get up there?” I asked, gazing up at the opening that was over a hundred feet above us.

  “We brought ropes,” Guy said.

  “But we have thousands of people,” I said. “It’ll take forever. And if the demon army shows up above this cave, we’ll be sitting ducks.”

  “My wind can send dozens up at a time,” Ash said. “Max and Merlin will assist. Wait here.” He pulled me into his arms and kissed me, pleasure and desire burning through me at his scorching touch. Before I could kiss him back, he released me and grinned. “For good luck, Blossom.”

  He lashed out with his icy current toward the ground and rose into the air.

n, Guy, and the first wave of arrivals all looked up at him in amazement.

  “Like an angel,” someone murmured in admiration.

  Then the Winter Prince leapt above ground and was out of sight.

  “We’ll rest here for the night and go up to the surface in the morning,” Raven said.

  We’d traveled for over half a day. No one had any more energy to keep going, and we had children and elders in our midst.

  Sebastian, Octavia, and the women poured out of the tunnel and surrounded me. The women wanted to attend to me, as they were all self-appointed as my ladies-in-waiting. I waved them away, telling them they didn’t need to serve me. But when I saw their disappointed and crushed looks, I asked them to help set up tents.

  The Alpha Pure team organized the clans and had each clan stay in a different section in the cave, arranged around my group and me.

  I looked up at the cave’s mouth, longing to join Ash.

  Guy unloaded the climbing gear out of the travel bags, and some of my women helped him. Maybe I didn’t need the ropes. Maybe I could go up like Ash.

  I was a novice at magic, but I had strong power. Though exhausted, I hadn’t used my magic for battle in a while.

  I summoned my magic, and red lightning sparkled in my fingertips like musical notes caught in fire.

  I spread my arms to gesture my companions to give me space.

  They stepped back a few paces.

  “More,” I called. “More space. That’s good.”

  I directed my lightning at the ground, just as Ash had done with his icy current.

  The ground beneath me shook a little, and then I was in the air.

  “Holy fuck!” I blurted out, which was quite unqueenly.

  All who heard me looked shocked, but I had more immediate matters to worry about, like not falling on my ass and bringing myself more embarrassment in front of the masses.

  “Queen Calamity!” Raven called in alarm. “Come down slowly. We can’t lose you!”

  “You won’t,” I said, unleashing more power and shooting toward the top of the cave.

  The crowd outside our circle all saw me now and shouted, “The queen!” until the guards shushed them.

  It was best not to bring any attention to us while the demons were hunting us.

  Killian rushed back and forth and whimpered beneath me. He tried to leap and hitch a ride, but I was already out of his reach.

  I’ll return. I pushed an image into his head. Wait for me and behave.

  Ash poked his head down toward the cave’s mouth just as I reached the top. He immediately tossed his wind at me to deliver me to him.

  I was in his arms the next second.

  “I thought I was the only one who had a flair for theater,” he said, smiling at me.

  “Can’t let you have all the fun,” I purred.

  “My idea of fun would always include you,” he said.

  His eyes grew heated, and my heart fluttered. The same heat started coursing in me.

  “It’s not the time, Prince,” I chided.

  “You’re right, Princess,” he said, only to pull me tightly against him to feel his hard erection.

  My mates had adapted to wearing long trench coats at all times, since they were forever aroused when I was around.

  I stared at his sensual lips, wanting to taste him, especially after the long journey here, but I knew that if I kissed him now, I would want more. And then we would never stop.

  He flashed me a wicked grin, spun me to his side, and interlinked his fingers with mine.

  The air smelled of dirt, smoke, and sulfur.

  We surveyed the cracked, dry land ahead of us that expanded to the mountains in the distance. There were no demons in sight, which was a welcome relief. I didn’t want to lose any more people, and we were vulnerable at the moment.

  We trained our gazes on the ridge of black mountains that spewed lava into the red-gray sky. Between two mountains we could see a narrow path.

  “I have a bad feeling about that passage,” I said.

  “That must be the path to the Shades.”

  “Anyone could easily ambush us from the mountains on either side.”

  “We’ll make sure you pass through safely, Blossom,” he said with determination.

  “I’m more worried about our people than myself. I’d hate to lose any more of them.”

  He squeezed my hand. “I know, and your burden is also mine.”

  I leaned my head against his shoulder, and he wrapped his arm around my waist, pulling me closer to him. The sudden wind of the Underworld tossed our hair. While the clans of Nightingale were still moving into their ancestors’ cavern and gathering around, it felt so nice to be alone with Ash.

  “It’s sweet to have you all to myself, even just for a second,” he said, kissing the crown of my head as we enjoyed our stolen, tender moment.

  “Ash,” I whispered. “They all count on me, on us, to get them to safety. I’m not sure if I can guarantee that. I have no idea what I’m doing a lot of the time, and I’m terrified that I’ll fail them.”

  “One step at a time, baby,” he said, squeezing my shoulder. “I’m with you. We’ll be with you every step of the way. We’ll get to the Shades, reach the last leyline, and get you home. Your people will come, too.” He gazed at the mountain, his expression grim and thoughtful. “Merlin had better be right about the leyline. That fucker is right most of the time when it concerns magic.”

  As soon as he mentioned Merlin, my nagging worry for Max swirled right back.

  “Queen Calamity? Consort Ash?” Guy and Raven were both calling us urgently beneath.

  “Sis? Calamity?” Sebastian was shouting now. He must have cupped his mouth to make a sound like that.

  And my tiger kept sending me pictures, as I was within his mental reach.

  Calamity, I’m very lonely, the tiger said. There are too many people running around, and you don’t let me eat them.

  “We’d better get down there before they lose their shit,” I sighed.

  “They’re too clingy.” Ash shook his head, then asked, “Ready, baby?”

  “We just jump?”

  “Leave it to me, Blossom.” He grinned, scooped me up, and jumped down before I gave him a go signal.

  A damsel type wouldn’t get along with any of my mates.

  His icy current slowed our fall before I thought of getting my red lightning to help. Ash always shared a thrilling new experience with me. With Max, it was about making me comfortable and warm and safe. And during my brief time getting to know Elijah before he turned into an archdemon, he had been protective and possessive toward me.

  None of my mates was the overly romantic type, but I didn’t need that kind of romance, considering I was a slave girl raised in the harsh environment of the Underworld. A bunch of roses was the last thing I wanted from them.

  As my thoughts wandered to Elijah again, pain bubbled in me. I’d once gazed into his brilliant gray-blue eyes and mistakenly thought I’d glimpsed the oasis of his soul in that tender, intimate moment.

  Even the long scar on his handsome face had me spellbound.

  I’d given my virginity to him willingly and eagerly.

  Now he was hunting my people, my mates, and me.

  I wondered if the pain and longing for Elijah would ever go away, or if we’d be able to redeem him or kill him before he killed us.

  As soon as Ash landed with me in his arms, our companions rushed toward us, besieging us. Everyone was asking us questions at once.

  The rest of the seven clans were still steaming into the cave from the tunnel.

  Ash set me down on the ground, and I reluctantly released my clasped hands from behind his neck.

  “You’re hurting my ears,” Ash growled at the group around us. He was always blunt, and not everyone appreciated that. “There’s no sign of demons above right now, but they might show up at any time. I’ll need the Alpha Pure team with me for the night watch.”

Consort Ash, I can take the first watch,” Guy said eagerly.

  His men had the climbing gear ready, but Ash could send them up with his current.

  Killian growled, brushing everyone away from my side and rubbing my thigh in greeting, so happy to see me return.

  “Don’t be rude, Killian. You don’t shove people away like that,” I said, but I couldn’t help running my fingers through his fur to show my affection.

  “Queen Calamity,” a voice called some distance away. “I bear grave news.”

  Protector Jonathan and his guard prowled through the crowd to reach me.

  “Consort Max and the druid didn’t make it into the tunnel,” Jonathan said with grief as he paused in front of me.

  My mind went blank before my blood turned to ice.

  I swayed. The entire cave was spinning around me, and all the faces blurred in front of me.

  Ash caught me. He nearly lifted me, my whole weight leaning on him. Raven, Bas, and many more people put their hands on my shoulders or back to offer me their support.

  “Jonathan, tell me what happened, slowly,” Ash ordered.

  “The bombs finally blew open the city before we could all evacuate and enter the tunnel,” Jonathan said. Blood still dripped from the side of his face. “The demons came down. There were too many. None of us was their match, except for the queen’s mates. Consort Max and the Omega warriors helped my clan to get into the tunnel while Merlin fended off the demon army alone. And then Merlin was overwhelmed by the sheer number of enemies, and Consort Max went to help him.

  “The two of them held on until the last of my clan and the Omega warriors got into the tunnel. They gave us orders to run and then they sealed the tunnel’s entrance to stop the demons from following us before the warriors could go back to join the fight by their side. My men and I couldn’t get through to them after that. We tried to remove the rocks and debris that blocked the tunnel, but we couldn’t get past the druid’s ward. None of the demons could get through it from the other side either. We waited as long as we could, and then there was no sound anymore. We had no choice but to leave them behind. I’m very sorry, Queen Calamity.”

  Tears streamed down my face, and I didn’t care that everyone was watching my every move. My sky had fallen.


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